
Do you have an enquiring mind?  Do you enjoy interacting with other adults?  Have you an interest or  curiosity regarding St. Paul and his letters?  If you do, and are open to  your furthering your interest through a Lenten spiritual renewal and growth opportunity, we warmly encourage your participation in this initaitive.

Initiative Objectives

  • To support participants engage with Lent as a time of spiritual renewal and growth
  • To foster among participants a more wholesome understanding of St. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians
  • To help participants be attentive to the inspiration of the Holy Spirit
  • To stimulate learning and faith-enquiry in a gentle, light-hearted and non-threatening way
  • To explore the relevance and value of St. Paul’s letters to our lives today
  • To support short periods of scripture based prayer (led and directed by facilitators)
  • To foster the bonds of friendship between Catholics and other people of goodwill who participate.

Session Themes

Each of the initiative’s five sessions will have a particular theme / focus:

  1. Lent as a time of spiritual renewal and growth and a brief introduction to the Corinthian letters
  2. Exploring First Corinthians with an eye to our identity as members of modern-day Christian communities
  3. Exploring Second Corinthians and our unity with Christ
  4. Paul’s understanding of Church and of ourselves as ‘a new creation’
  5. Some reflections on Christ’s death and resurrection, as a means of spiritually entering Holy Week.


This initiative comprises 5 sessions, each one-and-a-quarter to one-and-a-half hours in length.

Session 1 – Introduction  (getting started)

  • Facilitators welcome participants and offer brief introduction
  • Facilitators support group come to know one another and work through a handout pertaining to Lent as a time of spiritual renewal and growth and offering some pointers regarding St. Paul’s letters to the Corinthians.
  • Closing prayer

   Session 2 – 5 inclusive

  • Word of welcome and opening prayer
  • Everyone given an opportunity to share from their experience of engaging with St. Paul / their reading  during the week
  • Group work through handout together.  This will involve reading, reflection and discussion related to themes listed earlier.
  • Group take time to prayerfully explore and engage with a passage or two from First or Second Corinthians (supported by facilitators)
  • Closing prayer.

Group Size

A maximum of sixteeen participants per group.  This is to facilitate enquiry, sharing and getting to know one another.


A donation of €20 would be appreciated from those who can afford to contribute.  This will assist the diocese recoup the cost of bibles (which will be given on loan for the duration of the intiative) and meet light and heat costs.  Facilitators very kindly give their time free-of-charge.

Commitment (participants)

In addition to attending sessions participants will be encouraged to give time (one to two hours each week)  to bible reading and related reflection.  This will greatly enrich discussion during sessions.  

Booking of Places

To be assured of a place please communicate your interest to the contact person or office identified with the venue you wish to attend.

Tuesday’s at 7.30 pm in the Old School beginning this coming Tuesday 28th February

The Meeting Room
Old School
Co. Sligo
F91 XT57
Facilitators:  Celia Dunleavy, Deacon Conrad Forzeh &  Clare Devaney
To reserve a place please contact Fr. Tom Hever on 071 914 2779