Thought for the Week | During Holy Week, we prayerfully remember the events of Jesus’ passion and death. As we meditate on the cross, we ask again and anew what it means to make the statement of faith that Jesus, in his obedient suffering and dying, revealed himself to us as God’s Son.
The Parish are delighted to share the following with you
Vox Hiberniae, are a group of musicians from parishes in the Archdiocese of Dublin and have prepared the following reflection in conjunction with the Avila Carmelite Centre in Donnybrook.
“A Celtic Lenten Journey – Harp, Voice and Violin” reflection in Word and in song on the Passion of Jesus.
It can be viewed from the following link – you might like it for a reflective hour this Lent,
Part 1
Part 2
Thought for the Week | Next week we begin Holy Week with Palm Sunday. We are being called and invited by Jesus to stay with him so we can experience Good Friday and the stark reality of the cross. These are only steps on the way. The story does not end there; but we are called to stand at the cross before we can stand at empty tomb at Easter.
Thought for the Week | In John’s reflection, in today’s gospel, we find an observation about human sinfulness. Jesus is the light that has come into the world, but people preferred the darkness. We wish to keep our sins hidden, even from God. Jesus has come into the world to reveal our sins so that they may be forgiven. This is the Good News; it is the reason for our rejoicing in this season of Lent and throughout our lives Read more
Thought for the Week | ‘After clearing the Temple our Gospel tells us that the people asked for a sign of Jesus’ authority to do such an audacious act. In response, Jesus predicted his death and Resurrection. Read more