Thought for the Week
The Church Draws her Life from the Eucharist : Pope St. John Paul II tells us that: “the Church draws her life from the Eucharist” (Ecclesia de Eucharistia #1). That is because, in the Eucharist, the promise of Jesus that he would be with us always, is fulfilled in a unique way. As we are drawn into relationship with Christ through the offering and receiving of his body and blood, we become what we receive. We become the body of Christ! Then our daily sacrifice and service and all the good that we do become a part of his work of salvation. That is how every Christian is formed into a missionary disciple. Saint John Paul II reminds us, however, that, an ordained priest is essential for the Eucharist. That is because the Eucharist is something that Jesus does, not something we do. He does it through the ministry of the priest who, by ordination, becomes Christ for the community that he is called to serve (cf Ecclesia de Eucharistia #29). This is not to say that the priest, in himself, is more important than anybody else. As a man, the priest has his own human gifts and limitations, his own goodness and his own struggles with sin and temptation. Through the mystery of God’s grace, however, he acts in the person of Christ at the table of the Eucharist. Someone else could stand at the altar, say the same words and perform the same actions, but it would not be the Eucharist. Bishop Kevin Doran – Discipleship and Mission In Changing Times  (Pastoral Letter 2020)

St. Colmcille’s /St Patrick’s Mass Times:

  • Saturday 7pm Vigil Mass (St Colmcille’s Church)
  • Sunday 10.30am (St. Colmcille’s Church)
  • Sunday 12 noon (St. Patrick’s Church)
  • Weekdays 10.00am (St Colmcille’s Church)
  • Rosary Sunday to Friday: 7pm

All on Live Stream via the parish Facebook Page or Website parishofdrumcliffandmaugherow & Our Churches remain open, so visit and pray When visiting please follow the guidelines regarding Social Distancing and Sanitising

Our Dead

We Remember and Pray for those who died recently and those whose Anniversaries occur at this time


  • Sat Patricia Norris
  • Sun Edward Holland and Patrick Cunningham
  • Tues Evelyn Jennings
  • Wed Kathleen & Michael Brennan
  • Thurs Liam Joyce
  • Fri Sean Mahon (1st Anniv)
  • Sat Winnie Regan (Months Mind) & Francis Regan

Message from Bishop Kevin – Covid-19

I am very conscious of the huge disappointment that we all feel as a result of the renewed restrictions throughout our country, especially as such a very fine job has been done over the past three months in preparing our Churches for the safe and dignified celebration of the liturgy. Thanks to the excellent work done in all our parishes, no cases of infection have been notified which originated in church settings. Unfortunately, given the wider spread of viral infection, there is a concern that the virus may spread wherever there is a gathering of people.  It is important that we retain a strong sense of the presence of God with us and to be united as a community in prayer.  Please continue to follow all the public health guidelines and stay safe.

Fratelli Tutti
Pope Francis` third encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti on human fraternity and social friendship: Pope Francis’ third encyclical letter Fratelli Tutti (All brothers and sisters), a call to solidarity for all of humanity to live in fraternity and social friendship, was published by the Holy Father on Sunday 4 October, the feast day of Saint Francis of Assisi.  The full text of Fratelli Tutti is available on

RESPONSIBLE STEWARDSHIP: OFFERINGS FOR SUNDAY 11th October 2020: €2200.00 Thank you for your generosity.

Caring For Our Common Home

Online Conversation, 7.30 – 8.30 pm, Tuesdays 20th & 27th October.  See for more details.   All welcome.

Care at the End of Life – Pastoral Message
“We want to say very clearly that there is no such thing as a life without value. We hope to be a voice for those who, in a time of vulnerability, feel that they have no voice. We ask people to consider the manner in which assisted suicide and euthanasia undermines the whole ethos of healthcare. Doctors and nurses are called to be advocates for life and should never be required to assist in any way in the deliberate ending of life. We invite you to join us in prayer for those who, at this time, are coming to terms with a diagnosis of terminal illness, that they may have the blessing of a community of compassion and care”. Read the Irish Catholic Bishops’ pastoral message on end of life care in full on

Try Alpha! 

An On-line Alpha Course for Adults – Alpha is designed to help participants discover the basics of our Christian faith and grow in a deeper personal relationship with God. The Diocese of Elphin will be running an ON-LINE Alpha Course beginning Monday 2nd November at 8pm.  The course, which is free of charge, will continue each Monday at 8pm, for 10 weeks, allowing for a 3 week break over the Christmas & New Year.  Each weekly session will last for a maximum of 1 hour.  Those who are interested should register with Frank McGuinness on or David Muldowney on before 1st November.

Please search YouTube with “alpha course trailer 2020” for the promotional video and overview of the course.  Ideally you will need access to a computer, laptop or iPad (or equivalent). The course will be delivered via Zoom. Please don’t hesitate to contact either of us should you have any queries or require help with getting Zoom up and running in advance of our first Alpha session.  Why not join us from the comfort of your own living room!

Contact Details:
Parish Phone Numbers – 071 9142779 Mobile 087 2457011.