The ministry of Jesus was not about establishing structures.  During the three or four years of his earthly ministry, much of his time was spent inviting people into relationship with God and forming disciples.  At the end of St. Matthew’s Gospel, we read that he told those who were gathered with him to “go make disciples” (Mt. 28:19).  That is the mission of the Church. If we have buildings, or management structures, these are not an end in themselves.  All these things are of value if they serve the mission of the Church, which is to live as Jesus lived and to form new disciples.”  Bishop Kevin Doran – Discipleship and Mission In Changing Times  (Pastoral Letter 2020)

Twenty-Sixth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 27th September 2020

St. Colmcille’s, Rathcormac Mass Times:

  • Saturday 7pm Vigil Mass & Sunday 10.30am
  • During the Week; Monday – Friday 10am

Our Dead

We Remember and Pray for those who died recently and those whose Anniversaries occur at this time
Recent Deaths

  • Winnie Regan


  • Tuesday 29th Sept 10am : Mary McGarraghy (1st Anniv)
  • Michael McGarraghy,
  • May & Michael Rooney
  • Michael & Bea McGarraghy
  • Bridie & John McGarraghy


  • The Rosary will be recited every evening (Sunday to Friday) at 7pm. People are welcome to come to the church and join us in this prayer or you can follow us in your homes on our Facebook page or Website.
  • The Rosary will be recited at Our Lady’s Grotto, Glencar, every Sunday for the month of October at 3pm

1st Friday of the Month

  • October 2nd. Calls to the sick and housebound on Thursday & Friday Mass : Rathcormac 10am & Maugherow 7pm

Holy Hour for Vocations

  • St Patrick’s on Sunday 4th October from 4-5pm.


  • OFFERINGS FOR SUNDAY 20th SEPTEMBER 2020:€1040.00 Thank you for your generosity.
  • Thank you to all who continue to support our church with your Responsible Stewardship Envelopes, your remembering and generosity is deeply appreciated.
  • Thank you to all who Steward and Sanitise at our church for every celebration.

Mass Attendance Arrangements for Sat 3rd & Sun 4th Oct by Station Area

  • Saturday 3rd October 7pm Group (I) Carney and Urlar
  • Sunday 4th October 10.30am Group (A) Cloonmull, Ballinagalliagh and Tullyhill

Volunteer catechists

Commissioning of Catechists Fifteen volunteer catechists will be commissioned for service in the Diocese of Elphin, by Bishop Kevin Doran, at Mass in Sligo Cathedral this Sunday 27th September at 4.00pm.  Known as “Partners in the Gospel”, the Catechists are lay parishioners from all walks of life and from parishes all over the Diocese, who have completed an intensive four year formation programme, including academic studies in Theology and Catechetics at St Angela’s College NUIG. The mission of the Partners in the Gospel will be to provide opportunities for adult learning at parish level, which will help the whole parish community to grow into a deeper lived relationship with Jesus Christ and to become, in the words of Pope Francis, “missionary disciples”. There will be two teams of catechists, corresponding to the two regions of the Diocese. Due to Covid-19 restrictions, only the catechists and a limited number of invited guests will be in the Cathedral for Mass.  However, we do wish to invite as many people as possible to join us in prayer for the Mass online at

Our Lady Star of the Sea Oratory, Mullaghmore
Exposition of The Blessed Sacrament & The Sacrament of Reconciliation will be available in Our Lady Star Of The Sea Oratory, Mullaghmore on Saturday 3rd October from 11am – 1pm.  It will continue to be scheduled on the First Saturday of every month until further notice.  Level-2 COVID-19 Restrictions are in place and those attending are asked to please respect all applicable safety measures.  Should Level-3 Restrictions be introduced by the Government in the Mullaghmore area then this event will be postponed until there is a return to Level 2 or lower.  All enquiries to Frank on 087 9880690.

Falls Prevention Service: Do you have a fear of falling? Have you had a fall? The HSE has commenced a new Falls Prevention Service in Sligo, Leitrim & South Donegal. Please ring for further information: 071 982 0479.”

Thank you to our Senior Footballers who did us proud in the County final. They have brought us great joy and excitement.

Contact Details:
Parish Phone Numbers – 071 9142779 Mobile 087 2457011.