The ministry of Jesus was not about establishing structures. During the three or four years of his earthly ministry, much of his time was spent inviting people into relationship with God and forming disciples. At the end of St. Matthew’s Gospel, we read that he told those who were gathered with him to “go make disciples” (Mt. 28:19). That is the mission of the Church. If we have buildings, or management structures, these are not an end in themselves. All these things are of value if they serve the mission of the Church, which is to live as Jesus lived and to form new disciples.” Bishop Kevin Doran – Discipleship and Mission In Changing Times (Pastoral Letter 2020)
“All vocations are intended by God to manifest His love in the world.” –Thomas Merton
Thought for the Week | “See your vocation as a God given path to holiness” – Hubert Von Zeller
Thought for the Week
“I feel in me a vocation of the Priest. I have the vocation of the Apostle. Martyrdom was the dream of my youth, and this dream has grown with me. Considering the mystical body of the Church, I desired to see myself in them all.”
– Thérèse of Lisieux