Thought for the Week
- “Peace-making is a full-time vocation that includes each member of God’s people.” (Henri Nouwen)
St. Colmcille’s, Rathcormac Mass Times:
Saturday 7pm Vigil Mass
Sunday 10.30am
Monday 31st August – Friday 4th September 10a.m.
- Anniversaries
We Remember and Pray for those who died recently and those whose Anniversaries occur at this time Anniversaries
- Denis O’Donoghue
- Dermot Mc Cullagh Friday 4th September 7pm
- Charlie Brady Saturday 5th September 11am
Holy Hour for Vocations
- St Colmcille’s on Sunday 6th September from 4-5pm.
Bishop of Achonry
- Please remember in your prayers Fr Paul Dempsey, who will be ordained Bishop of Achonry this Sunday 30th August
Responsible Stewardship
- OFFERINGS FOR SUNDAY 23rd AUGUST 2020: €1221.00 Thank you for your generosity.
Mass Attendance Arrangements
- Saturday 5th September 7pm Group (A) Cloonmull, Ballinagalliagh and Tullyhill
- Sunday 6th September 10.30am Group (B) Cashelgarron, Cooladrummon, Springfield and Castletown.
Message from Bishop Kevin re Face Coverings at Mass
- Along with other Christian church leaders all over this island, I am now formally recommending and encouraging the use of face coverings at all Masses and other liturgical celebrations, along with the ongoing maintenance of 2 metre physical distancing. Some people, for good reasons, are exempted from the wearing of face coverings, even in contexts where it is normally mandatory. Those same reasons apply when people come to Mass and should, of course, be respected
Return to School
- As our children and our teachers return to school, we wish them every blessing on the new school year. We pray that, in-spite of the difficult circumstances there may be joy in teaching and in learning. Please don’t send the children to school if they, or someone at home, has flu-like symptoms.
Car Treasure Hunt
- In aid of Oxfield Community Centre on Sunday 30th August.
Start and finish at Oxfield with cars leaving from 4pm with last car 4.30. No need to book just turn up. Prizes for 1st & 2nd places. Great fun for all the family. €20 per car
Laudato Si
- The Season of Creation In keeping with the spirit of his letter Laudato Si, on the care of the earth, Pope Francis established September 1st as an annual World Day of Prayer for the Care of Creation. The Season of Creation or Creation Time, is marked throughout the Christian world from 1 September to 4 October (Feast of St. Francis of Assisi) and celebrates the joy of creation as well as encouraging awareness-raising initiatives to protect the natural environment. Resources are available on:
Serving a Wounded World
- The Pontifical Council for Interreligious Dialogue, in partnership with thecorresponding agency of the World Council of Churches, has published a reflection on how religious belief can contribute to solidarity in a world which is often wounded by division and how this can be especially relevant in the context of COVID-19.
Contact Details
- Parish Phone Numbers – 071 9142779 Mobile 087 2457011.