Eighteenth Sunday in Ordinary Time Sunday 2nd August 2020

St. Colmcille’s, Rathcormac Mass Times:  

  • Sat. Vigil. 7pm
  • Sun.  10.30am
  • Weekdays 10.00am

All on Live Stream via the parish Facebook Page or Website

When visiting  our churches please follow the guidelines regarding Social Distancing  and Sanitising

Our Dead

  • We Remember and Pray for those who died recently and those whose Anniversaries occur at this time  John King Jnr.

Holy Hour for Vocations in St Patrick’s on Sunday 2nd August from 4-5pm.

1st Friday of the Month

  • Calls to the sick and housebound on Thursday &  Friday  Mass in Maugherow Friday 7pm


  • OFFERINGS FOR SUNDAY 26th July 2020: € 1939.00. Thank you for your enerosity.

Thought for the Week

We are not called upon to do all the good that is possible, but only that which we can do.” ― Theodore Guerin

Youth 2000 Summer Festival Online
The Youth 2000 Summer E-Festival, a Catholic festival for young people aged 16-35, will be streamed live from 14th – 16th August.  To be part of this you can register at www.youth2000.ie to receive your welcome pack and your exclusive access code.  You will be sent an email with a link to watch on the day.
Registration and access is FREE, as always, at Youth 2000.

A new pilgrimage on Lough Derg’s lakeshore. 

Walk and Pray in the Lough Derg tradition on 16, 18, 22, 26 & 30 August. At times in the 1600s and 1700s when Station Island was closed by the Penal Laws, pilgrims undertook a form of pilgrimage on the lough shore. Walk in their footsteps. Contact 0 (0353) 71 9861518 or info@loughderg.org for details. Numbers are limited.  Advance booking essential.

The Irish Hospice Foundation Bereavement Support Line 
Have you been impacted by a bereavement during COVID-19? Are you finding it more difficult to cope with a pre-Covid bereavement at this time? Would it help to talk to someone in confidence about your loss? The Irish Hospice Foundation   Bereavement Support Line is a national freephone service 1800 80 70 77 which is available from 10am to 1pm, Monday to Friday. The line aims to provide comfort and emotional support.

COVID-19 Support Line for Older People
ALONE national support line supports older people who have concerns or are   facing difficulties relating to the outbreak of COVID-19 (Coronavirus). Professional staff are available to answer queries and give advice and reassurance where    necessary. The support line is open seven days a week, 8am – 8pm, by calling 0818 222 024.

Job Vacancy for Office Manager – Sligo

St. Mary’s Parish, Sligo wishes to recruit a full-time Office Manager. Successful candidate will work in the Parish Office, Temple Street, Sligo. This post is open to suitably qualified candidates.  For further details of the position, including job    description, person specification, details of employment, application procedure etc., please contact: HR Advisor, Elphin Diocesan Office, St. Mary’s, Temple Street, Sligo F91 KTX2. Email: hr@elphindiocese.ie Closing date for applications: 3rd August 2020

Faithcast Podcast is the weekly faith podcast from www.catholicnews.ie the news source for the Irish Catholic Bishops’ Conference. Presented by Brenda Drumm, Faithcast is a mixture of interviews, news and stories of faith from the Catholic Church in Ireland.

Contact Details:  

  • Parish Phone Numbers – 071 9142779 & Mobile 087 2457011.
  • E-mail.drumcliffrathc@gmail.com